Three quick and easy ways to cut a watermelon! Cubes, triangles, or sticks – serve up that big, juicy watermelon whichever way you’d like. I even included a few tips on how to pick a perfectly ripe watermelon!

How to Tell if a Watermelon is Ripe
- Weight – A ripe watermelon will be pretty heavy. This is simply because it’s loaded with delicious, sweet juices! So if you pick up two even-sized watermelons and one feels heavier than the other, definitely go with the heavier one.
- Color – Look for a watermelon with a big ole’ yellow spot! That yellow spot is where the watermelon laid on the ground while it grew. A large yellow spot is a good indicator that the watermelon had plenty of time to ripen on the vine.
- Sound – Pick up the watermelon and give it a gentle, yet firm slap. Listen for a hollow sound – if the watermelon sounds hollow, then that means it’s bursting with tons of juice! However, if it sounds dull, or feels at all mushy, then pass on that watermelon.
How to Cut a Watermelon – 3 ways!

- Using a sharp knife, slice about 1-inch off each end of the watermelon, then stand the watermelon up on one cut end.
- Slice off watermelon rind, sliding your knife from top to bottom, following the shape of the watermelon. Continue to work your way around the watermelon until rind is fully removed.
- With the watermelon still standing upright, make 1-inch lengthwise slices down the watermelon.
- Set half of those slices aside, then take the other half and lay them flat on your cutting board. Make 1-inch lengthwise cuts through this stack of slices, then rotate the stack 90° and make 1-inch cuts perpendicular to the other cuts you just created.
- Transfer that cut and cubed watermelon to a bowl, then repeat with the other half until all is cut.
OR freeze your cubed watermelon and use it to make my 3-ingredient WATERMELON MARGARITAS!

- Lay the watermelon on its side and use a sharp knife to cut down the middle, creating two halves.
- Place one half with the flesh-side facing down, then create 1-inch cuts lengthwise down the watermelon.
- Take one slice, and lay it flat on your cutting board. Make two diagonal cuts (in opposite directions) through each slice, creating three watermelon triangles from each slice.
- Continue this same process with remaining slices.

- Lay the watermelon on its side and use a sharp knife to cut down the middle, creating two halves.
- Place one half with the flesh-side facing down, then create 1-inch cuts lengthwise down the watermelon.
- Rotate your watermelon 90° on the cutting board, then make 1-inch cuts perpendicular to the other cuts you just created.
- Repeat this process for the other watermelon half, then serve.

Tips and Tricks
- Use a very sharp knife to cut your watermelon! A dull knife makes it much harder, and more dangerous. Dull knives are more prone to slipping and sliding when trying to cut (because they’re not sharp enough to cut through the watermelon) and a slip of your knife could result in an injury.
- Beware of watermelon juice! A perfectly ripe watermelon, while delicious, will release a ton of juice. Therefore, cut watermelon is best served in a bowl, rather than on a plate, to help contain all that liquid.
- These cutting techniques will work on any kind of watermelon! Seedless, mini, or even those watermelons with the orange/yellow flesh can all be cut the same way.